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Merman from the Arctic


HeCreature is an alter ego. A result of half a human life with an eating disorder, and the way back to my own body. In the encounter with the sea and this creature, I have been able to heal. Today, he is part of my persona - also on cloudless days.


The merpeople have fascinated me since childhood. I don't have a good answer to why exactly the merpeople, but it's probably a mixture of aesthetics, mystery and the fact that I grew up by the sea. I feel at home in and by the sea. I feel complete. I get to breathe, and time stops.  ​


HeCreature frequently receives inquiries from people and others who wish to collaborate in artistic or commercial collaborations. HeCreature is not a product or service for rent or sale, and does not take part in events, projects or the like. Commercial or not. I ask for your kind understanding for that.  ​


HeCreature, like most wild animals, thrives best without alone and without humans present, and rarely comes to the surface if there are too many people there. A few humans have won his trust to come close. He thrives best in cooler climates, and often comes to the surface at night. He is visible to the world through this website and on Instagram. He is present on these platforms to contribute to show the beautiful coastal nature of the North (and other places he finds his way), and to show that there is room in this world to be exactly who you want to be.​


Curoius? I invite you to visit my online gallery, where you are invited to have a look into the world of HeCreature - both on land and in the sea. Entering the gallery is free of charge, but you must create an account to join. The reason for this, is several cases of photo theft and abuse of my photos. You can also join HeCreature on Instagram.




Photo: HeCreature


Photo: Øystein Voll

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Photo: Stein-Arvid Aamo

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Photo: Øystein Voll

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